Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Moronic Quote Of The Day

From the -

The New York City Board of Health voted today to ban artificial trans fats in the city’s eateries, establishing more rigorous limits than any other American city on an ingredient considered by doctors and nutritionists to increase the risk of heart disease.


“We’re not going to take away anybody’s ability to go out and have the kind of food that they want, in the quantities that they want,” Mr. Bloomberg said today. “But we are trying to make that food safer.”

Ummm, idiot, yes you are, in fact, taking people’s ability to go out and enjoy the foods they want. If I want to go out and destroy my heart by purchasing tubs of butter to, like, melt it down and drink it as a shake, that’s really none of your business.

And really, Mayor, your obsession with my health is sort of creepy.

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Bradley Herring said...

Mmmmm... a butter shake sounds mighty good right about now.

Simply Liberal said...

...With little chunks of doughnuts floating in it.