Friday, December 29, 2006

The Death Of Saddam and The Creepy Right

(Updated Below)

Let me start off this post with the obligatory “Saddam was an evil, evil man who did evil, evil things”, so the nutters don’t accuse me of an evil lovefest, or whatever other strange ad hom attacks they can think of to label the left, instead of actually debating their ideas. With that said, it seems quite set in stone that , giving the Bush administration what could, perhaps, be their final shining moment in regards to the Iraq war.

Watching Fox news (hey, I take that bullet so you don’t have too) and the Conservative blogosphere (that one too) cover this with such glee is quite creepy. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be Champaign (and pill) popping in many Conservative camps, once this execution has taken place. The fact that a group of people are so happy, so incredibly giddy, about the death of another human being, cannot be described as anything but a sign of insanity. To get a hardon over the destruction of another human life is intrinsically evil.


And .

With all the effort, all the lives lost, all the money spent in the fight to get to this exact moment (well this exact moment a few hours ago… yeah, yeah, I’m behind), shouldn’t I feel more… something? I can honestly say it wasn’t worth all the pain and suffering of our soldiers, all the deaths, all the past and future destruction as this war drags on until Bush is no longer president.

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Anonymous said...

If you're liberal, then as Michael Savage states it (and I'm not a big fan of his but he does have a point) - you have a disease.

As for Saddam hanging - the world will certainly continue to spin VERY nicely with him gone. Good Riddance and all that. He may not be the most evil despot to have ruled, but he's certainly in the top 20 maybe the top 10.

Simply Liberal said...

Anon Y. Mouse- Thank you for your concern, but I guarantee you that I'm not the one with the disease. In fact, I think as my posts states, you are the one with the disease as you rejoice in the death of others. I believe you may even be clinally insane. But hey, the insane never realize it about themselves. ;-)

Anthony - Jesus would disagree with you. If you are a Christian, I hope you repent before you live forever in Hell.

Simply Liberal said...

Anthony - Hehe, props for being funny.

o said...

I agree with you Brian, Saddam Hussein was unquestionably evil and deserves the harshest punishment possible. Good riddance to him and his sons!

I agree also that Hussein's execution was and is news therefore the news will be and should be covered by Blogs. It is, however, bordering on creepy how it is covered by blogs! There's extremely graphic pictures, there's also photoshopped pictures of his hanging...that is creepy!