Monday, December 4, 2006

Do-Nothing Congress' Last Act: Do Nothing

If you’re like me, you had to be sitting on pins and needles, wondering what the Repuiblican House’s final action would be before they lose control (shhh, it’s a slow news day… and my ass is numb, sort of feels like it’s being jammed by pins and needles).

Well, apparently, in far-right fashion, they are going to throw the religious right another .

WASHINGTON (AP) _ An anti-abortion bill seeking to declare that fetuses can feel pain is slated to be voted on by the House this week, a last bid for loyalty from the GOP's base of social conservatives.

The measure, sponsored by New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith, has no chance of passing the Senate this year since it won't be brought to a vote in that body. And the incoming Democratic majority won't let it come to a vote when they take control of both Houses next year.

So yes, the do-nothing Republican Congress’ last act will be to… do absolutely nothing by pushing a bill that will, according to themselves, never be passed. Interesting.

The bill defines a 20-week-old fetus as a "pain-capable unborn child" _ a highly controversial threshold among scientists. It also directs the Health and Human Service Department to develop a brochure stating "that there is substantial evidence that the process of being killed in an abortion will cause the unborn child pain."

So, I guess the real question here is, what the Hell is Congress doing making scientific proclamations when what they claim is under ? Again, I guess it’s okay to lie, if your lies support a particular religious notion. Thankfully, these people are going to soon be out of power, and sanity restored to our Legislature. Hopefully.

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