Monday, December 4, 2006


I've been playing with this new Beta for a few days now, and I am completely impressed. This will be my new home, so I’d like to welcome everyone to the site.

The layout’s a bit… fucked, but that will be coming along in time. Really.

I’m excited to actually begin blogging again. (Yes, technically this is a blog post, but really it’s a welcome message/post holder so I can play with the layout)


o said...

Welcome back Brian! I was starting to think you would never return. The election would surely merit an appearance, instead there was nothing...not even a joyous scream!!

Still, you were missed!!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I know. I got so wrapped up in school and work. It's my own fault for taking, like, 25 credits in one semester. That will NEVER happen again. LOL, I don't have that much motivation.